Meet the medical and physical standards specified by the USCG.
Meet the medical and physical standards specified by the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB).
Be at least seventeen (17) years of age and not have passed the thirty-eighth (38th) birthday on the day of enrollment at a School and forty-second (42nd) birthday at the time of commissioning.
Possess a secondary education or equivalent, satisfactory for admission as an undergraduate to college under control of the State in which the maritime academy is located.
Meet the requirements established by the SMA regarding secondary school grades, rank in graduating class, aptitude, achievement, and qualities of leadership.
Be in good standing in your SMA (see your SMA SIP Coordinator for details).
Apply for, be offered, and have accepted Midshipman status in the Strategic Sealift Midshipman Program (SSMP).
If student has transferred from another SMA, they must have attended current Academy for 12 or more months and be in good standing.
Enlistment/Reenlistment Agreement, DD Form 4 (this is an SSMP requirement, see SMA SIP Coordinator for details).
Copy of the USCG Medical Certificate (this is a SSMP requirement, see SMA SIP Coordinator for details).
The SIP Booklet and other SIP documents can be found in the SIP Landing page.